Friday, August 31, 2012

Thank you God for Rebecca!

A few weeks ago we celebrated our oldest daughter Rebecca's 10th birthday! Every year on her birthday I reflect on everything we have been through with her. From her diaphragmatic hernia, to her scoliosis. Every year I ask God "why did you save our daughter and not all of the other children who were diagnosed with a CDH?" Yesterday I realized, I shouldn't be asking God why me...instead I should just be saying thank you God!

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a CDH support group asking for volunteers in FL to help other families who are going through what we went through. The requester gave a little background info on herself. She had a daughter who was diagnosed with a LCDH when she was 20 weeks pregnant. She gave birth to her daughter on July 30, 2002 and her daughter's hernia was surgically repaired a week after birth. I couldn't believe what I was reading! I thought "hey this lady stole my story", but Rebecca was born on July 29th not 30th so I know she hadn't. As I read on, she described the day that her daughter didn't make heart sank. How could we have the same story with 2 dramatically different results? I started asking God the same old question I've been asking for years, "why did Rebecca live?" God spoke gently to me saying, "stop questioning me and just be thankful. You are hugging your daughter today and not having an anniversary of her death".

Needless to say I get it! I have hugged Rebecca more times today than I think I have her whole life! Today I will spoil her a little more, laugh with her a little harder and sing with her a little louder because I am so thankful that God chose me to be her mom!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Organic food is killing my budget!

Ok so i didn't really spend all our money at the grocery store but it feels like it. I have been feeding my family organic food for the past 5 years but ever since I quit my job to stay home with the kids I really notice how much more expensive it is to eat organic. But it's worth the sacrifice! The hormones easpecially in the meat and dairy are not good for our kids or us women (not to leave out men but women are affected more by the hormones than men). I can't wait until every brand goes organic and the prices drop, but until then I will be sacrificing to feed my family with the best food out there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Question from Miss thrifty

Question: Sometimes my apples go bad before they get eaten. I hate throwing food away, what could i use the bad apple for?

Answer: Cut up your old apples and use them in some homemade potpourri. Below is a recipe for a great crock pot potpourri:

1 cup water
2 Cinnamon sticks
1/4 cup of apple juice
mulling spices
cut up old apple slices

place in small crock pot and turn on low for a great aroma in your home!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Question from the cook

Question: Everyday when I am cooking dinner my husband and my kids come into the kitchen and ask, "what's for dinner". Not all at the same time, but one by one. It  is do I kindly tell them to stop asking?

Answer: It can be stressful in the kitchen, especially if you are running late or trying out a new recipe. An easy fix is to get a white board and write on it what is for dinner each day, the family can come in and look without interrupting your train of thought. See below for an example of a board if you are feeling a bit more crafty!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

What do I do with old glass jars?

Use old glass jars and make cute storage containers. All I used was some scrapbook paper, ribbon and old buttons.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Question from Suzie Homemaker

Question: How do I get candle wax out of my table clothes?

Answer: all you need is a paper bag and an iron. Turn on iron, once heated, place brown paper bag over the spilt wax and place iron on top of the bag. The heat will melt wax and suck up onto the brown paper bag.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Question from Dr. Feel better

Question: What is the best way to treat a bad sinus headache?

Answer: Try to eliminate noise (have kids take their nap or read a book), a hot shower and a hot cup of tea. If it is allergy related you can take some over the counter Zyrtec or clariton.